Introducing the UV Sterilization Thermos Cup

In today's society, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend, and a glass of healthy water is an indispensable part of our lives. In this context, the UV sterilization thermos cup has emerged as an essential tool for modern people to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

This UV sterilization thermos cup boasts a unique design and functionality, bringing a breath of fresh air. Firstly, it utilizes a 20mw LED sterilization lamp, which efficiently eliminates bacteria in the water, ensuring the purity and safety of the water. This advanced sterilization technology eliminates concerns about drinking unclean water and its impact on health.

In addition, this thermos cup is equipped with a smart display screen, capable of displaying the water temperature in real-time. The unique temperature display design presents different halo colors, making it easy to understand. When the water temperature is between 0-36°C, a light blue halo is displayed; between 36-60°C, a green halo is displayed; and when the water temperature reaches 70-99°C, a red halo is displayed to remind us to pay attention to the temperature.

Even more thoughtful is the water drinking reminder function of this thermos cup. By double-clicking the screen, you can easily set the reminder time to drink water. Every 90 minutes, the thermos cup emits a drip sound, reminding us to replenish water in time. This user-friendly design prevents us from neglecting our health due to busyness.

In summary, the UV sterilization thermos cup is not just an ordinary thermos cup but a product that integrates health, technology, and user-friendly design. It provides us with a safer and more convenient drinking experience, making our lives healthier and happier!

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